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The Gay Furry Hackers: A New Breed of Hacktivism Targeting the Heritage Foundation

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Confluence Daily is your daily news source for women in the know.

By:  Lisa M. Hayes

In the ever-evolving landscape of cyber warfare, a unique and enigmatic group has emerged, capturing both attention and intrigue: the self-proclaimed “gay furry hackers” known as SiegedSec. With a blend of political activism, internet culture, and sophisticated hacking skills, SiegedSec has made headlines with a series of high-profile cyberattacks. Their latest target, the Heritage Foundation, underscores their commitment to challenging institutions they deem oppressive or transphobic.

Who Are the Gay Furry Hackers?

SiegedSec is a hacktivist group that identifies as “gay furries,” a distinctive identity that blends elements of the furry subculture—where individuals create and engage with anthropomorphized animal characters—with LGBTQ+ activism. This unique identity not only connects them to a specific online community but also signals a strong stance against homophobia and for LGBTQ+ rights​ (National Review)​​ (Kotaku Australia)​.

Notable Activities and Motivations

High-Profile Hacks: SiegedSec has carried out several significant cyberattacks, including breaches of the Idaho National Laboratory (INL), NATO’s IT systems, and other prominent entities. Their latest breach targeted the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank. In this attack, they accessed and leaked personal information of individuals associated with the foundation, causing significant disruption​ (National Review)​​ (pcgamer)​​ (Engadget)​​ (The Daily Dot)​​ (Star Observer)​.

Unusual Demands: In previous attacks, SiegedSec has made unusual demands, such as requesting INL to research the creation of “IRL catgirls”—a reference to a popular meme within the furry community. This blend of serious hacktivism with internet culture highlights their unique approach and the whimsical nature of some of their demands​ (pcgamer)​​ (Kotaku Australia)​.

Political Motivations: Despite the seemingly whimsical demands, SiegedSec’s actions are often rooted in political motivations. They have targeted state governments for passing anti-trans legislation and other entities they perceive as spreading transphobia and misinformation. Their actions are a form of political dissent, using hacking as a tool to challenge oppressive systems and policies​ (Engadget)​​ (Enterprise Technology News and Analysis)​​ (Star Observer)​.

The Heritage Foundation Hack

Details of the Breach: In their attack on the Heritage Foundation, SiegedSec accessed sensitive personal data, including names, phone numbers, and email addresses. They also wiped user data from the foundation’s API and cloud storage, further amplifying the disruption. This attack is part of their broader #OpTransRights2 campaign, which aims to combat transphobia and hold accountable those who propagate harmful ideologies​ (The Daily Dot)​​ (Star Observer)​​ (Futurism)​.

Impact and Response: The hack has raised serious concerns about cybersecurity and the vulnerabilities of even the most prominent organizations. Law enforcement agencies, including the FBI, are investigating the breach. Meanwhile, SiegedSec continues to justify their actions as a form of digital justice against entities that spread hate and misinformation​ (Futurism)​.

Cultural and Ideological Identity

The identity of SiegedSec as “gay furry hackers” is a significant aspect of their public persona. This identity not only connects them to the furry subculture but also signals a strong stance against homophobia and for LGBTQ+ rights. Their choice to operate under this identity is a statement in itself, challenging norms and embracing their unique position within the cyber world​ (National Review)​​ (Kotaku Australia)​.

Implications and Responses

Security Concerns: The ability of SiegedSec to breach high-security systems like those of NATO and INL, and now the Heritage Foundation, raises significant concerns about the vulnerabilities in critical infrastructure. These incidents highlight the need for enhanced cybersecurity measures and greater preparedness against unconventional threats​ (pcgamer)​​ (Enterprise Technology News and Analysis)​​ (Futurism)​.

Law Enforcement Response: In response to their breaches, entities such as the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security have launched investigations, underscoring the serious nature of these cyberattacks. The involvement of these agencies reflects the high stakes and potential risks associated with SiegedSec’s activities​ (National Review)​​ (Engadget)​.

A New Breed of Hacktivism

SiegedSec represents a unique intersection of internet culture and political activism. Their identity as “gay furries” and their use of humor and memes in their operations set them apart from other hacktivist groups. However, their actions highlight serious and often contentious issues within cybersecurity and digital activism.

The group’s statement on their activities underscores their belief that they are fighting back against a system that marginalizes and oppresses the LGBTQ+ community. They argue that their methods, though unconventional, are a necessary response to the hatred and bigotry they seek to dismantle​ (Futurism)​.


SiegedSec’s attack on the Heritage Foundation is a bold statement against transphobia and conservative ideologies. As they continue their campaign, the implications for cybersecurity, political activism, and the organizations they target will likely unfold further. For now, SiegedSec remains a formidable and controversial player in the realm of digital activism.



  1. National Review: Gay Furry Hackers Breach U.S. Nuclear Research Facility
  2. PC Gamer: Self-described gay furry hackers breach one of the biggest nuclear labs in the US
  3. Engadget: Self-proclaimed ‘gay furry hackers’ breach nuclear lab
  4. The Register: US nuclear lab hit by hacktivists wanting cat-human hybrids
  5. Kotaku: Gay Furry Hackers Break Into Nuclear Lab Data, Want Catgirls
  6. Daily Dot: Furry Hackers Target Far-Right Outlet ‘Real America’s Voice’
  7. Star Observer: Gay Furry Hackers Attack Alt-Right Media Platform
  8. Futurism: Gay Furry Hackers Attack Right-Wing News Outlet


Lisa M. Hayes is also the editor and chief of Confluence Daily.

Lisa is also an LOA Relationship Coach. She helps clients leverage Law of Attraction to get the relationships they dream about and build the lives they want. Lisa is also the founder of The Coaching Guild where the world’s best coaches are trained. 

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