Astrology: the big beautiful 2020 payoff!
By: Janette Dalgliesh – Confluence Daily is your daily news source for women in the know.
Our old friend, the Saturn-Pluto conjunction, has been a strong and hefty influence on us all, inviting us to do a ton of work for almost the whole of 2019.
And that work has been the perfect preparation for the extraordinary astrology coming up in 2020.
(Which is why I’ve kept banging on about it!)
If 2019 was the hard slog through the metaphorical trenches, 2020 is the wildly different, revolutionary payoff.
The winds of change are on the way and we can already feel just a hint, the tiny breeze lifting the hair on your forehead.
Societally, the larger, longer cycles of astrology are pointing to times of renewal and change and a whole new dynamic. Anne Whitaker of astrodienst writes that “we are standing on the cusp of a major shift in emphasis and orientation in the world” – and she’s right.
On a personal level, 2020 has the flavour of party.
It’s celebratory, fun, light, breezy, delightful – with a solid core of rebellion and new direction that we can’t yet see clearly.
In 2019, we had a LOT of Earth energy – great for making shit real, but definitely on the heavy side.
For anyone who wasn’t willing to do the inner work (not YOU, dear reader, but probably a number of the people around you) – it will have been confusing, demanding and highly stressful.
2019 was the year for building solid foundations.
Digging around in the dark, knee deep in mud and grunge, we hauled out anything that didn’t belong there, uncovered weird unexpected voids or boggy bits, and filled the spaces with something more solid and stable.
It meant confronting things from our past, doing the processing and healing work we needed to do, challenging old stories and beliefs and concepts, and setting in place the practical strategic elements to support whatever it was we wanted to create.
In January 2020, we’ll begin to emerge out of the underworld realms, into the air and the sunshine, feeling the fresh breeze and the warmth on our faces.
We continue the building, but now we’re in the presence of air and light and warmth, so the thing we’re building becomes more and more visible and obvious and clear and fully present.
From where we’ve been (and still are) in the foundation trenches, we can only catch a glimpse of that thing.
We can’t see it, in all its full glory. But it’s coming, and we can feel it!
It’s the shift from Earth to Air which is the key characteristic of 2020 that restores the elemental balance, along with a judicious sprinkling of Fire.
Air brings perspective and intellectual curiosity which helps us make better decisions.
Air allows us to take a proper deep breath, after all that time underground.
We can handle complex and nuanced situations more easily because we can take a step back, detach a little, exercise intellectual curiosity.
We gain a little height, giving us a more strategic perspective, and enabling us to see where collaboration and even compromise could benefit all.
Air helps us move beyond old, fixed territorial positioning. We open up the doors and windows to new and innovative solutions and ideas – not just personally, but politically and socially.
And since we’re not actually IN the Air energy yet, but still in that underground terrain, it’s worth simply accepting that you probably can’t yet see the path ahead fully.
The excitement is drawing us forward, and of course you can make plans for 2020 now. Just be open to the possibility that there will be even more good things than you can currently imagine.
How can you make the most of this?
- ensure you’re on track with your Saturn-Pluto work – you can find my previous articles about this by searching Confluence Daily for “Saturn-Pluto”, or read the latest article on my website
- streamline money flow systems and get financials in order as much as possible (nothing flighty please!) – we’re in the practical Saturn zone now, so it’s a good time to set up auto-payments and ditch outmoded subscriptions or expenses
- check that your internal work has been done (at least, done-for-now) and that you’ve found resources for helping to rewrite old brain stories and heal old traumas (and yes, that includes a good coach or therapist if needed)
- grab the key upcoming dates (below) and get them in your diary now, to help with next year’s plans
Where does all this Air and Fire come from?
Briefly…. (there will be more on these as they come up)…
Venus hangs around in Gemini for six months – much longer than usual – where she performs her beautiful Retrograde dance. Think elegance and eloquence, grace and graciousness. It’s brilliant for communications in relationships, for writing (your voice in your reader’s ear), and for clarity about your own desires.
Jupiter brings his flair for fiery optimism into make-shit-real Earth sign Capricorn, where he comes into conjunction with Pluto. This meeting of giants happens every 13 years, but in 2020, it doesn’t just happen once. It happens three times thanks to some Retrograde action (exact dates below). This is hugely supportive for entrepreneurial empire building, done with personal integrity and a solid foundation. Think of those exact days as super-turbo-charged days of support for launching new products, new enterprises, new ways of doing business, new ways of making your mark on the world.
Mars spends longer than usual in his own fiery sign of Aries, bringing inspiration for freshness and innovation, and an ability to take on and win the impossible quest, undaunted. There is courage aplenty. Be sure to do what you need, to have maximum bandwidth and energy, because Mars in Aries wants to DO things. Also a good time for activating some physical movement you may have hesitated about. Pluck up the courage and take that belly dance class, learn to ride, master swordplay.
And in a conjunction that hasn’t been felt for about 800 years, Jupiter and Saturn move hand-in-hand into Aquarius at the end of the year. This is excitement plus, as the Magician and the Master meet up in the sign ruled by rebellious Uranus. There is revolution afoot, in ways that bring in the twinned paradoxical energies of stability and expansion, practicality and blue sky dreaming. What this might mean for you isn’t likely to be clear yet, but you can expect a fabulous payoff for all the hard work to date.
And if that weren’t enough, this is all leading up to Pluto moving into Aquarius for the first time since 1798. Think new ideas, new knowledge, new concepts, arising out of a new sense of what it means to be human. None of us has ever lived in a Pluto-in-Aquarius world. This is brand new territory! And with Uranus, ruler of Aquarius, located in Taurus – there is huge potential for brand new relationships with our own resources, our beautiful planet Earth.
Can you see why I’m so optimistic about what’s possible?
And why I’ve been so keen for everyone to get their Saturn-Pluto conjunction? It’s gonna be such a great ride in 2020 – and even better if the foundations you’ve been building are robust and solid!
If you feel left behind
[shameless self-promotion alert]
If you don’t yet feel like you have squeezed all the juice and possibility out of the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction, do not fret.
There are still eight weeks to go, which means a) you have plenty of time and b) you need to get started NOW.
I am offering a somewhat crazy, but unique and powerful way to support my fellow humans on this journey, using a hybrid of group coaching and individual astrology. Places are limited, please click here for all the information you need.
Exact dates – mark these in your diary, folks!
- 6 December 2019 – Jupiter moves into Aquarius – liberating expansion of rule-breaking invention
- 8 January 2020 – Jupiter meets up with the North Node – like Santa Claus visiting the good kids!
- 23 March 2020 – Saturn moves into Aquarius for the first of two visits this year
- July to December 2020 – Saturn revisits Capricorn, but that’s not new territory so it’s more like a check-in than a whole new ball game
- 5 April 2020 – Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Capricorn – powerful, deep magic for empire building
- 30 June 2020 – Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Capricorn – powerful, deep magic for empire building
- 13 November 2020 – Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Capricorn – powerful, deep magic for empire building
- 17 December 2020 – Saturn comes back to Aquarius
- 19 December 2020 – Jupiter moves into Aquarius, conjunct Saturn

Janette Dalgliesh has a simple mission in life – to wreak more joy in the world. A keen student of astrology, brain science and Law of Attraction, she serves her people through astrology consults, coaching, teaching and writing. If you’d like Janette’s in-depth insights into your own unique astrological chart, you can find her via Facebook, or at her website Resonant Joy – or sign up for her current program Hacking the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction