Astrology: a sunny week
By: Janette Dalgliesh – Confluence Daily is your daily news source for women in the know.
Stand by for a few fabulous days of fiery enthusiasm, vim and verve!
And if your energy levels are low due to illness or other life factors – simply let this week be one of allowing in more sunshine, not pushing yourself too hard for something, just because you feel you ought to.
Sun and Venus both enter fiery, Sun-ruled Leo this week, lining us up for New Moon in Leo later in the month; and there is a Grand Fire Trine featuring Moon in Aries, Mars in Leo and Jupiter in Sagittarius.
Fire can burn through the dross, revealing the gold beneath.
Fire can warm us, and it can illuminate the path.
Fire is our uniquely human tool against the dark and the unknown and the too-wild.
Fire is also a ferocious power which clears all before it (as my friend Fabeku Fatunmise would say, ‘fire makes a way for itself’).
The key dynamics this week include radiance, creativity, romanticism, fiery inspiration, expansiveness, fun and lush warm-hearted delight.
It’s a great week for tapping into your deepest unapologetic desires, whether you can see a pathway to them or not. Don’t do it in order to plan anything just yet, but rather for the simple delight of indulging the dream, and the potential for that dream to inspire whatever you wish to build next.
It’s like a week of glorious sunshine, no matter the actual weather in your neck of the woods.
As you bask in the inspiration, the first steps are likely to become apparent in their own good time.
Some activities to consider:
- Create an altar to Venus, place fresh flowers in shades of red, orange or yellow, and light a candle
- Make an altar to yourself and start practising a ritual to reclaim your own power – for example, this brilliant Reclaiming Rite from Aidan Wachter
- Exercise creative expression (make art, decorate a cake, write poetry) and share it – Leo isn’t about hiding your light
- If you feel the urge for expansion, allow it – check in to make sure all restrictions are released, cuz Jupiter wants to expand, and old restrictions are like wearing tight pants to a smorgasbord: uncomfortable…
- Create or revisit your Unapologetic Desire list – use it as the inspiration for future planning, magical rituals
- Be open to flamboyant and thrilling romance, in whatever form it appears
Here’s how it may play out for you:
Aries / Aries Rising
Set intentions for a lush vibe in your relationship with yourself. Don’t be waiting for the beau to buy the flowers (though you can definitely set that intention!) – YOU buy the flowers, and make sure they’re worthy of the fabulous lover that you are. Adorn yourself with whatever is gorgeous in your own eyes – a diamond necklace, a daisy chain – then share it with the world. Look for and celebrate moments of warm-hearted romanticism – a stranger helping out, a beautiful piece of music, a glorious sunrise.
Taurus / Taurus Rising
In whatever way you can, large or small, bring the gift of beauty to your home. Fresh flowers – even a handful of daisies in a jam jar – is a classical Venusian starting point. But remember, Venus in your life is only interested in what YOU find beautiful, so skip the Martha Stewart or BHG rules and listen to your own delight. This is also a great time for letting in more light – and that can be as literal as cleaning your windows (or just one window) to let in more sunshine.
Gemini / Gemini Rising
Use this week to focus on how the words you speak or the words you listen to reflect the vivid, inspirational tone of Sun and Venus into Leo. Seek out the beautiful. Indulge in more love poetry (Rumi is always good, or pick up Caroline Kennedy’s beautiful collection She Walks in Beauty. Let your language be lush.
Leo / Leo Rising
Look in the mirror and really SEE the beauty there. And then, deluge yourself with all the gorgeous adornments that most delight you. Follow any inspiration that emerges for an even more YOU-oriented tweak: fresh hair colour, new eye-shadow. What would bring your inner lioness to the outside, where we can see her? What would bring out your inner radiant sun? Please note, this has ZERO to do with being Insta-pretty – it’s all about letting the inner beauty shine through.
Virgo / Rising
There is so much beauty in the world, and sometimes it can be hard to remember it. This week, look beyond the ordinary, and beauty will reveal itself all around. You will find it in nature, especially where the wild things are (and if that’s only accessible via a good documentary, do that). You’ll also find it in the inner realms of dreaming and the imagination, and in the worlds of magic and fiction. Lose yourself in a good book. Practice lucid dreaming.
Libra / Libra Rising
This is a great week to expand your social self, to get more inclusive and use your natural warm-hearted style to make connections to the collective. That could be purely social, or it could mean delivering something of high value such as a class. Either way, make sure it’s fully resonant with YOU – drop any dissonant or slavishly sh following of the so-called experts. Most of all, make it fun and playful. Inside every Leo-the-lion is a kitten waiting to play.
Scorpio / Scorpio Rising
Expect some fresh ideas and new awareness when it comes to your work and career. Sun in Leo is fiercely committed to that need for resonance, while Venus makes it crystal clear what you desire. This week, you can leverage the fiery Leo energy to both burn away the dross of old, outmoded plans, goals or actions, and let inspiration spark within you.
Sagittarius / Sagittarius Rising
Stand by for some expansive and potentially revolutionary dynamics this week, as a virtual rocket of inspiration propels you beyond the known and into delightfully uncharted territory. Ground yourself with the steadying influence of the Saturn-Pluto convergence, and let your imagination run wilder than usual. How might those wild ideas enlarge or adjust what it is you’re building?
Capricorn / Capricorn Rising
Your usual Earthy style is given a fabulous boost, especially in the areas of your shared resources, and your deepest personal power. Sun and Venus entering Leo shine a high-lumen spotlight into even the darkest corners. The potential for discomfort is real, but if you stay focused on amy new understandings, and set your sights on what can be learned, the potential for growth is uncannily high.
Aquarius / Aquarius Rising
Look at all your socially significant one-to-one relationships and partnerships. Let them be fired up with enthusiasm, playfulness, delight, creativity and fun! Let them be illuminated with your own radiant core self – and make space for your collaborator to shine, too. Partnership isn’t about taking turns in the spotlight. It’s about both having equal spotlight time, and celebrating each other’s radiance.
Pisces / Pisces Rising
Where could your daily routines use some inspiration? Where could you inject more beauty and creative energy into them? I’m planning to walk around Uluru in about two years, and that’s filling my new daily movement routine with excitement and delight. Where could you bring more sunshine – whether real or metaphorical – into your daily habits of health, pets, movement, house care (aka domain-primping), work and magic ritual?
Exact times (US Eastern)
- 22 July at 10:50 PM – Sun enters Leo
- 27 July at 9:54 PM – Venus enters Leo

Janette Dalgliesh has a simple mission in life – to help every person unlock their capacity for resonant joy. A keen student of astrology, brain science, chaos magic and Law of Attraction, she serves her people through astrology consults, coaching, teaching and writing. You can find Janette via Facebook, or at her website, Resonant Joy