One place where everything comes together

Month: June 2019


Memorable Family Moments

Reading Time: 4 minutes Educational activities and plans that allow kids to flex their brain muscles in fun and creative ways can be ideal ways to spend family time that makes lasting memories.

While children typically gain invaluable knowledge and experience in the classroom, purposeful activities done outside of that setting can help encourage kids to keep learning and make family moments more enjoyable for everyone involved.

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The Week: Why war against Iran would be immoral

Reading Time: 3 minutes What would a strike at this point even accomplish? Mostly, it would kill the Iranians on board the boats and ships targeted by the United States — assuming the conflict didn’t escalate from there. Dozens or even hundreds of lives would be snuffed out as retribution for what, so far, have been acts of property damage. That would be immoral. Whether you believe in just war theory, or whether you simply believe we must have a darned good reason to make the deadly decision to commit forces to battle, the conclusion should be same: The stakes are too high — and the provocations at this point too small and limited — to justify war against Iran.

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Open Letter to: Single men who are dating in the 21st century and who consider themselves “good guys”:

Reading Time: 4 minutes Single men who are dating in the 21st century and who consider themselves “good guys”:

You’re gonna have to take extra care of the women you’re interested in or are dating these days.

You’re gonna have to be “extra” for us. You’re gonna have to work harder than you think you should have to because your brothers are out here beating us down.

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This Magical Idea Will Make You Rethink Your Morning Routine

Reading Time: 4 minutes Here’s the simple recipe:  Each day as you find yourself in the mirror, in a place of privacy, – such as your normal morning routine (brushing teeth, washing, shaving, applying makeup, etc.) – give yourself a quick pep talk, with the same love and care that you would give to a child going off to their first day at a new school.

Look into your own eyes. Tell yourself you love yourself.

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