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Month: June 2019


Psychology Today: The Belief That Trump Is a Messiah Is Rampant and Dangerous

Reading Time: 3 minutes Psychologists have explained quite a lot about Donald Trump’s political invincibility and the unconditional allegiance of his followers. One well-supported explanation is that the president keeps his base loyal by keeping them fearful. Through persistent fear-mongering, with scary messages like, “Illegal immigrants are murderers and rapists,” and “Islam hates us,” Trump gets to play the role of the great protector.

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I’d Rather Be in a Mosh Pit than a Boardroom

Reading Time: 4 minutes In a mosh pit, even if I was normally the ONLY person of colour in the entire event — there was great good natured joshing, smiling, laughing, and general politeness over all the boisterousness. I was part of a big party, I was seen. Many of us there felt like misfits in our own way compared to mainstream culture, regardless of our colour, gender or background. And therefore, we all connected.

Maybe a huge overgeneralization, but it is what it is.

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What Is Juneteenth?

Reading Time: 11 minutes Of all Emancipation Day observances, Juneteenth falls closest to the summer solstice (this Friday, June 21), the longest day of the year, when the sun, at its zenith, defies the darkness in every state, including those once shadowed by slavery. By choosing to celebrate the last place in the South that freedom touched — reflecting the mystical glow of history and lore, memory and myth, as Ralph Ellison evoked in his posthumous novel, Juneteenth — we remember the shining promise of emancipation, along with the bloody path America took by delaying it and deferring fulfillment of those simple, unanticipating words in Gen. Granger’s original order No. 3: that “This involves an absolute equality of personal rights and rights of property between former masters and slaves.”  

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Why is it important to include CBD in Health and Wellness Routine

Reading Time: 5 minutes CBD continues to show great promise in the world of health and wellness. With so many different applications – including promoting better sleep, improving skin health, alleviating anxiety, and combating pain – CBD certainly has a bona fide place in this sphere. And with a variety of different modes of application and consumption, CBD can be implemented according to each individual user’s comfort level.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes Indeed, the announcement may be more political than practical. On the far right, Trump has been losing support among high-profile allies such as Ann Coulter and Michael Savage, who have harshly criticized the president for failing to follow through with promises to expel migrants, build a wall on the southern border, and restrict legal immigration. Instead, border crossings have increased to historic levels as thousands of refugees continue to arrive from Central America, seeking asylum. Could this be another Trump stunt? Government officials were reportedly surprised by the president’s decision to announce ICE raids on Twitter, which would presumably undercut the effectiveness of any such operation. And yet, for the millions of people living and working in the shadows of America’s legal system, the promise to put the plan in action remains a real, and terrifying, threat.

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