One place where everything comes together

Month: June 2019


Atlantic: A Resolution Condemning White Supremacy Causes Chaos at the Southern Baptist Convention

Reading Time: 8 minutes The Southern Baptist Convention’s annual meeting turned chaotic in Phoenix this week over a resolution that condemned white supremacy and the alt-right. On Tuesday, leaders initially declined to consider the proposal submitted by a prominent black pastor in Texas, Dwight McKissic, and only changed course after a significant backlash. On Wednesday afternoon, the body passed a revised statement against the alt-right. But the drama over the resolution revealed deep tension lines within a denomination that was explicitly foundedto support slavery.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes When things are happening to you, and you don’t like it, chances are pretty high it’s because you put things in neutral and hoped you could stay under your own radar.

Basically, you get a choice. When things aren’t working, when we’ve grown out of the space we’re in, when change is on the horizon or the very next exit, either you do the change, or the change will do you. The latter of those two options usually sucks more. Choosing your change is always a better option.

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Why Yerba Mate Might Become Your New Best Friend

Reading Time: 6 minutes I’ve enjoyed drinking mate for years, but when I was a coffee drinker I didn’t find that it affected my energy levels all that much. But now that I’ve turned to teas to get my daily caffeine boost, I’m loving the gentle yet steady lift I get from a cup of yerba mate.

And, now that I know all the other beneficial things it can do for me, I’m turning to yerba mate more and more often.

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Podcast – Sarah Normandin: You’re not that special. Everyone is a mess.

Reading Time: 5 minutes

So I can safely say, that I’ve figured out some ways to manage perfectionism.  Through trial and a whole lot of error, I think I have a handle on it most days.  Even though perfectionism and anxiety can feel overwhelming, they don’t have to be forever and they don’t have to be your undoing.  Because realizing that you’re already undone can be the beginning of getting your act together or at least being ok with not having your act together.

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Brightest: 3 Ways You Can Help Stop ICE’s Detention of Immigrant Families and Kids

Reading Time: 5 minutes Thousands of immigrant families have been swept up, separated and had members detained in ICE raids – many of them long-standing U.S. residents with no criminal record. Dozens of detainees have died or been assaulted while in custody. And federal authorities are even unable to locate 1,475 children who should have been responsibly placed in foster or protective care.

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