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Month: May 2019



Reading Time: 4 minutes While the impeachment debate unfolds among House Democrats, many are looking to the courts to force transparency and compliance on the Trump White House. “I think so much is going to depend on the courts. What I have described is that we are at a constitutional impasse or a constitutional hardball,” Congressman Ro Khanna told me. “What happens next is dependent on the courts. If the courts rule against the administration and the administration defies a court order, then I think it is a full-blown crisis.”

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More to Moon than meets the eye

Reading Time: 5 minutes Moon is the fastest moving of the planets in our astrological symbol system, moving into each sign for only 2.5 days at a time. Astrologer Joanne Wickenburg likens this to a mother quickly popping her head in the door of each child’s bedroom to check that all is well, and I like that metaphor very much. 

New and Full Moons are both very important because they each represent a turning point or change of direction in the Lunar cycle. 

But it’s actually the cycle itself which helps us understand the benefit of Moon as she travels through our charts, not just those two points in isolation. 

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Shea Depmore: Grieving for Mueller – ASMR Trump Detox ( even more applicable now that he doesn’t want to testify)

Reading Time: < 1 minute We’re long overdue for another Trump Detox. The Mueller report sort of came out… well, Barr’s non-summary-summary of the Mueller report came out… and it’s not the saving grace we were all hoping for. In this special ASMR Trump Detox, Sondra helps you grieve the loss of Mueller Time and move forward with new hope.

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Plan a Stress-Free Group Getaway

Reading Time: 2 minutes The arrival of vacation season means it’s time to stop daydreaming about that getaway and start making some travel plans.

Getting organized for a grand adventure, especially if you’ll be traveling with a group, requires some careful planning before you begin making reservations. Get started planning your dream vacation with these travel tips from the experts at Vrbo:

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How To Deal When Someone You Thought You Loved Disappears

Reading Time: 3 minutes When you are involved with someone who’s been some sort of presence in your life and that person simply disappears, that is ghosting.

Maybe you had a couple of dates and texted frequently, and then it just stops without explanation. Maybe you were in a relationship that seemed to be on track for something more, and your partner quits returning calls or showing up without actually breaking up with you. They just disappear. It’s the kind of disappearing act that initially makes you think they may be unconscious in a hospital somewhere.

Today I heard a new phrase. Zombie. When your partner goes zombie, that means they haven’t cut off communication entirely. However, they aren’t showing up to be in the relationship at all. They might answer a text if you’re asking a question. However, they don’t initiate contact and have obviously disappeared in all other ways. This kind of disconnect makes you wonder if you’ve been dumped but leaves you hanging on thinking something else must be going on.

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Why education will never stop rape

Reading Time: 10 minutes Sexual violence is a global social phenomena wrapped up in misogyny, hypersexualisation of society and children, economic factors, power struggles, porn culture, rape myths, weak laws and… individual motivations.

The uncomfortable truth is that our education cannot undo the damage our society has already done – and we cannot use education of individuals to change the way our entire society of millions of people have absorbed messages from porn, advertisement, patriarchy and the media.

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Hufpo: Democrats Inching Closer To Impeachment

Reading Time: 6 minutes As the pressure builds on impeachment, the Judiciary Committee is moving to enforce its subpoenas and penalize those who violate them.

Traditionally, the next step in the oversight process would be to hold officials in contempt with a vote on the House floor. From there, the House would try to enforce its subpoenas by referring the uncooperative officials to the Justice Department for prosecution or filing a lawsuit in federal court. The problem with that strategy is the Trump administration can simply decline to prosecute its own officials, and the court battles could take years.

Still, opening impeachment proceedings isn’t inevitable, and Pelosi could stall such a move longer by more promises of investigation.

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