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Editorial: WA State Gov. Jay Inslee Joins the 2020 Race – THE TIME OF THE OLD WHITE MAN HAS PASSED.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

By:  Lisa M. Hayes – Confluence Daily is your daily news source for women in the know.

Editorial note:  This is not the season of the old white man. We will undoubtedly republish some version of this very editorial many more times before the 2020 field fills out. However, the issues and the message will not change.

To all the old white men out there who feel like they’ve got something special and want to lead, I have one suggestion for you: PICK A CANDIDATE YOU CAN SUPPORT AND WORK YOUR ASS OFF TO GET THEM ELECTED. MAYBE IF YOU’RE LUCKY, YOU’LL GET A LEADERSHIP ROLL IN SOMEONE’S CAMPAIGN.
That’s what the rest of us will be doing.

It’s no longer the age of the old white man and I don’t care what old white man we’re talking about.

Democratic Governor, Jay Inslee from Washington State announced his bid for the White House today. We were over him before he started his exploratory committee. This man is from one of the most “progressive” states in the nation. If he can’t understand that he’s not more important than a powerful wave of diversity, he is clearly blinded by his ambitions and tone-deaf. We don’t need another great white man savior. The 2018 races demonstrated that very point. The most diverse freshman class in Congress is more effective than any before them.

Inslee will run on an environmental platform. His environmental record in Washington State isn’t exactly the track record an environmental candidate would want to hang a career on. Maybe that’s why he wants to run for President. Yes, he’s passionate. However, he may not be as effective as he wishes he could be.

– and yes, Jay Inslee has some great ideas. However, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the creator of The New Green Deal.  I know she’s not old enough to run for President. However, The New Green Deal illustrates white dudes aren’t the only people who understand the environment and have smart ideas about where we need to go.

People of color know some things.  Women know some things. Old white men don’t really really have the secret passcode to special knowledge.  It’s time for them to come to terms with that. The DNC also needs to come to terms with that.

So, yes, it’s the same message as to every other old white dude who wants to be President. This is not your time and your presence in this race makes it harder for the party to unify. Your ego-fueled run for the Oval has consequences. There are real consequences for failing to unify.

Children in cages, anyone???
How about the largest tax cut for the rich in modern history?
The end of women’s reproductive rights and gay rights and just about every right we’ve come to think was, “settled law” is on the block. We don’t get to fall apart over a tantrum. The stakes are too high.

If we learned anything from the 2018 election cycle it’s the fact that diversity is electable. Ladies and Gentleman, diversity is the future.

Jay Inslee is no Bernie Sanders. He is not charismatic enough to bring out the crowds or navigate the very complicated territory of Presidential campaign fundraising. I live five blocks from the Governor’s mansion where Inslee currently resides. We’re basically neighbors and I will not be donating.

We can find our feel-good inspiration elsewhere and when we do, we need to get to work. 2020 is not a given for the left. If you think it is I’d like to remind you of a certain evening, November 6, 2016, when we all thought we were going to see our first female presidential candidate give her acceptance speech and start packing for the White House.


More by Lisa:

Editorial: The Time of the Old White Man Has Passed.





Lisa M. Hayes, Senior Editor of Confluence Daily. 





Confluence Daily is the one place where everything comes together. The one-stop for daily news for women.



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