One place where everything comes together

Month: February 2019


How to Say Yes to What You Want

Reading Time: 3 minutes Law of attraction teachings say our “thoughts become things.” And while I wouldn’t completely disagree, I believe there is more to it. Our thoughts become our beliefs, our beliefs become our stories, our stories create our life. The effect our storytelling has on our real-world experience is immense.

Every day, all the time, we tell stories about who we are. These stories we tell about ourselves are powerful because the way the Universe works is we tell a story over and over and then we create a world that makes it true. We will ALWAYS attract proof.

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Astrology: Weird and wonderful astro-squalls, ahoy!

Reading Time: 5 minutes Redefine what action means to you, from the perspective of a balanced and strategic thinker who isn’t bound by outmoded ideas about what action has to look like. Open up the ways in which you define action. See what happens when you bring fewer rules and more strategy to the mix, allowing in that fresh Aries dynamic.

By doing so, you’re likely to get more done, and feel better about it, than if you let the drive to action point you into a knee-jerk response where you scatter your energies all over, or find you’ve spent a whole weekend on one frustrating task that in the end you didn’t really care about anyway.

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Time: President Trump Used the State of the Union to Call for an End to Investigations. So Did Nixon

Reading Time: 2 minutes “An economic miracle is taking place in the United States — and the only thing that can stop it are foolish wars, politics or ridiculous partisan investigations,” Trump said, per his prepared remarks. “If there is going to be peace and legislation, there cannot be war and investigation. It just doesn’t work that way! We must be united at home to defeat our adversaries abroad.”

Though he said he would cooperate with the Watergate investigation, Nixon argued that the country had other things to worry about that required Washington’s full attention. He resigned from office less than a year later, in August of that year.

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Nicotine to Help Treat Memory Loss?

Reading Time: 2 minutes According to the Alzheimer’s Association, approximately one in five people age 65 or older have mild memory loss or MCI and are more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias. Currently, there is no FDA-approved medication indicated to treat this condition; however, nicotine stimulates an area in the brain known to be important for thinking and memory, and scientists believe it could be an effective treatment for adults with MCI.

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Four Ways to Stay in Your Own Lane

Reading Time: 3 minutes The riskiest thing you can do with your self-esteem is let someone else’s opinion of you matter. That is outsourcing your self-esteem, and even if you do it a little bit, over time, that can cost you a lot. 

People and their opinions are fickle. They change and blow with the wind and much like the wind, you have no control over them. 

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