One place where everything comes together

Month: February 2019


Cosmopolitan: What’s the Deal With Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper’s Relationship, Tho?

Reading Time: 5 minutes Fans are convinced they’re secretly “in love.”
Truer words: There can be 100 people in a room, and Lady Gaga will literally only talk about Bradley Cooper.

But because the Star Is Born fandom is a very thirsty place filled with people who want Gaga and Bradley’s onscreen love to be a reality, plenty of fans are wondering if there’s something ~more~ going on between them.

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Tonic: Setu Yoga Has a Plan to Make Yoga Less Skinny and White

Reading Time: 2 minutes Setu, a yoga community built as a platform for “elevating practitioners with different body types, skin colors, gender identities, and life stories.” The site serves as a portal for people to check out and support teachers, as well as find classes, videos, and communities to join. Setu dropped a video this week to cement their message that yoga does not discriminate, and the people we see at the front of the yoga studio should reflect that.

So one more time for the people in the back: Yoga is for everyone. Let’s start teaching like it is.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes For the past couple months, however, I’ve begun adding walking into the mix, and I have to admit that now I really see what all the fuss has been about. Not only has it been good exercise that gets my heart rate up, it has also had a great impact on my mood, energy level, and my productivity at work. And, as you might expect, research supports my experience.

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Are You a Witch?

Reading Time: 4 minutes There is a reason that powerful women get called witches. The patriarchy has never been comfortable with women having power of any kind. Equality feels like oppression to those who have always had the upper hand. But our power is ours. And our magic is a result of that power. And our magic can save the world.

If powerful women using their own unique brand of magic to do good in the world is the definition of witch, then count me in and call me a witch. I know I’ll be in good company.

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Vox: Robert Mueller’s “collusion” case so far, explained

Reading Time: 8 minutes President Trump keeps insisting that special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation has found “no collusion” between his 2016 presidential campaign and Russia. But a close read of what we already know about what Mueller’s been doing suggests at the very least, some very questionable things were going on during the campaign.

Mueller’s team has already laid out a startling story in indictments, plea deals, and other court documents that are full of new revelations about the Trump team’s contacts with Russia that year — contacts that have moved from suspicious to downright scandalous.

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JUSSIE SMOLLETT: The headline, the drama, and the truth

Reading Time: 3 minutes There is no excuse for Jussie Smollett’s behavior, if the current narrative is the truth. And yet, he is one person, albeit famous, but only one. I have often thought that we will truly have overcome when the mainstream opinion of the African American (gay, Latinx, Muslim…) community won’t have to rise and fall because of the behavior of a few, whether they be exemplary or heinous.

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