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Month: January 2019


Forbes: There Is No Crisis At The Border – And DHS Stats Prove It

Reading Time: 5 minutes Due to a combination of changed demographics and improved economic conditions, the era of large-scale illegal migration by Mexicans to the U.S. – the reason cited for building a wall – is over. Today, in a phenomenon that began in the past five years, most of the people apprehended at the border are from Central America and reflect primarily the violent conditions in those countries.

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Here’s what one Holocaust survivor has to say about the rise of the Antifa movement.

Reading Time: 4 minutes I’ve seen firsthand the impact hate speech, under the guise of free speech, can have. As a child in Nazi Germany, I saw young boys and girls being indoctrinated into becoming mass murderers of their neighbors. Later I learned how grown men, destroyed by fear, were rendered incapable of protecting their loved ones. I learned that a crowd could be moved to heinous actions.

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Astrology: Welcome to 2019 – at last!

Reading Time: 5 minutes If you’ve been feeling like the New Year didn’t completely land on time, you’re right.

Yes, we’ve had all that lovely lead-up energy, support for dreaming and planning and getting clear and releasing the old.

But as you know, the stars don’t care a bean for human calendars, so it’s not surprising that sometimes, a new (Western, human) year starts when we’re mid-something-else astrologically.

This time around, the calendrical new year happened in the lead-up to a potent New Moon, just before the pre-new-moon energy of the Dark Moon – the day or two beforehand which is a time for resting, preparing, pausing.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes Bring it on, ladies! I’d love to see a female President. Just not Hillary Clinton. Or Elizabeth Warren. I am totally open to all other women leaders, but I have to admit that Kamala Harris and Amy Klobuchar are beginning to make me angry and I’m not sure why yet, but I know the reason will become clear soon, and I’m also wondering what they might look like if someone photoshopped their heads onto the bodies of prisoners and put them behind bars.

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Movie Review: I saw Vice and it reminded me why I want to move to Mexico

Reading Time: 4 minutes Almost all the political junkies out there have already seen Vice. So, if you haven’t gone, it can most certainly wait until it comes out on video. This is not a movie with the kind of big-screen special effects you need to see in the theater. However, when it does come out on video, I recommend seeing it because this movie reminds us how quickly things become history and how long history can haunt us by changing the course of a nation and impacting literally more lives than we can count.

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Grokking the Lunar Nodes

Reading Time: 6 minutes Everyone has a pair of Lunar Nodes in their natal chart – one North Node, one South – and they always sit exactly opposite each other in the chart.

That’s our first clue on how to think about these Nodes.

They come together as a set, a pair. You can’t have one without the other. And they are both important to us.

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To Hair or Not to Care

Reading Time: 4 minutes Our largest institutions and practices – military, sports and prisons – ask black people like me to conform to how white supremacist culture believes we should show up in the world. This expression of systemic racism says I am acceptable only if I conform and behave and look like a white person.

That is not equality. That is not equity. That is not inclusion. That is death. You ask me to die to myself so I can live like you.

We are on a cusp of a new year. What are you going to do differently to make sure you are not a part of systems that say people like me must conform to the ways of people like you so I can fit in for people like you?

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Ten Magical Self Care Habits to Adopt in 2019

Reading Time: 5 minutes Self-care is a somewhat vague term that gets recommended by life coaches and therapists and personal growth enthusiasts, and often is understood to mean massages, manicures, pedicures and the like. And while I have no issue with these things, they more accurately fall into the category of pampering. And I’m a big fan of pampering – it certainly can and should be included in a self-care regimen, however pampering alone does not a self-care regimen make.

If you hold to the hermetic, and magical, principle of “As above, so below. As within, so without.” – then self-care isn’t really an option if you want your body and mind to be healthy, your life to run smoothly, and your experiences to be magical and enjoyable. Because the Universe seems to have a predilection for reflecting our level of self-love and self-care right back at us by way of experiences and events that show up in our lives.

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