One place where everything comes together

Month: January 2019



Reading Time: 5 minutes Getting in touch with your values can also provide you an important cue—namely, that it’s time to move on if and when you determine that your values are in conflict with the work you are doing. Research has shown that when there is a mismatch between your personal values and that of your organization, you are at increased risk of burnout. Cynicism, one of the components of burnout, occurs when you feel less attached to, and engaged with, the work you are doing. If a values clarification exercise reveals to you that you are simply in the wrong job or at the wrong company, you might consider moving on.

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Astrology: Big dreams, ahoy!

Reading Time: 6 minutes Next week sees a fabulous ‘super blood wolf’ Full Moon. It’s a supermoon because it’s a Full Moon positioned at the moon’s closest point to earth (aka perigee), making it brighter than normal. It’s a blood moon because it’s a total lunar eclipse, which means the sunlight passing through our atmosphere appears to turn red. And the January Full Moon is also known as a Wolf Moon.

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The Importance of Ritual

Reading Time: 4 minutes While researching ritual I discovered an article in Scientific American titled Why Ritual Works. The article explains that research shows that ritual, whether religious or secular, helps alleviate grief, reduce anxiety, and improve confidence. And now it all makes perfect sense to me, why I would have ritual on my mind so strongly right now, at this time in history.

Because the world right now seems complicated and messy, unfair, difficult, and oftentimes frightening. Anything that can alleviate grief, reduce anxiety, and improve our confidence seems like a pretty good idea.

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Vox: The extraordinary therapeutic potential of psychedelic drugs, explained

Reading Time: 19 minutes Support for psychedelics is also one of those rare issues that can, in some cases, cut across conventional political lines. Rebekah Mercer, the billionaire Republican financier and co-owner of Breitbart, has donated a $1 million to MAPS to fund studies and legalization effort. As the research advances, we could see more bipartisan support like this.

One big remaining question has to do with access. If you spend any time at all in the psychedelic subculture, you can’t help but notice that it consists mostly of privileged white people. This is largely a product of who’s holding these spaces, how much they cost (anywhere from $600 to well over $1,000 per session), where they’re being held, and the networks of people propping them up. That many people simply don’t know about the therapeutic potential of psychedelics is yet another barrier. All of this has to change, and hopefully, it will when psychedelics aren’t relegated to the underground.

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