One place where everything comes together

Month: January 2019



Reading Time: 10 minutes As for myself, I mostly feel alright with existing now, with my purpose here, my worth.

It’s sometimes a precarious thing, my hold on this life, like a fragile vase in a window which could tip one way or another in a breeze – tipping gently and safely to the table nearby or smashing fatally down to the garden below – but inside are pink scented lilies and beauty, so I go on, day by day, month by month, year by year, and gradually I find, as my Buddhist teacher once told me, that, though I wasn’t invited to this party, people like my presence and I like the music and chitchat and, mostly, it all makes me very happy.

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A Full Moon Ritual for Love

Reading Time: 3 minutes Ritual is powered by intention. And intention gets amplified by focused attention and emotion. What we focus on expands, and our feelings and emotions are powerful magnifiers for energy.

A ritual is different from a habit. I’ve often referred to my beloved bedtime tea drinking as part of my “nighttime ritual” – and certainly, you can celebrate tea drinking with ritual – in fact, there are whole ceremonies for tea drinking. However, my own nighttime tea drinking is more of a habit than a ritual. However, if I bring intention into the mix, I’m leaning towards ritual because a ritual is imbued with intention.

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Five Must Have’s to Be a Successful Light Worker

Reading Time: 3 minutes If you use energy or consciousness as a medium for the work you do, whether it be as a coach, healer, reader or practitioner, you’ve already become in tune with your inner world. Or at least most of your practices are ones that get you deeper into your inner world.

And even if you aren’t offering your services to others and only doing the work for yourself, there are a few things that are building blocks if you want to be successful in your practice.

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I was groomed as a teenager – here’s what it looked like.

Reading Time: 5 minutes With all of the talk surrounding R. Kelly (and let’s not forget that whole Drake and Millie Bobby Brown thing), I wanted to share my own story of being groomed. It isn’t cinematic and it wasn’t overt, but it happened. Luckily I was unharmed, but what I remember most that it felt like a natural step towards adulthood. I thought to myself, what teenage girl doesn’t have a dalliance – however small – with an older man? Looking back now I see that this feeling – that it’s normal, that it’s part of growing up – is the danger. Because not only is it perceived by many girls as normal, it’s a dream come true.

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Politico: British Politics Goes Over a Cliff

Reading Time: 5 minutes  British politics is broken. It may not be fixable in time to solve the Brexit mess.

The U.K. wakes up Wednesday with a government unable to govern — in office, but without the numbers to fulfill its central purpose: a negotiated exit from the European Union.

A defeat of previously unimaginable proportions Tuesday — 432 to 202 — has left the country adrift, floating towards no deal, with no party or faction in parliament able to command a majority for any way of moving off the course it has set for itself. The only thing MPs can agree strongly on is a desire to avoid an economically damaging no deal, but they currently can’t settle on a mechanism for how to do so.
Faced with disaster, Theresa May has a plan but no strategy — the Churchillian maxim, “Keep Buggering On.”

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