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Month: January 2019



Reading Time: 2 minutes “Officials in Moscow looked at the 2016 U.S. presidential race and asked, ‘Which candidate would we like to have sitting in the White House? Who will help us achieve our goals?’ And they chose him. From that moment, they deployed a system [of bots] for the length of the elections, and ran him for president,” former Mossad chief Tamir Pardo told the audience at the Marker’s digital conference in Israel on Monday, where experts gathered to discuss online disinformation campaigns and bots.

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Vice: Elizabeth Warren is running for president

Reading Time: 2 minutes Warren announced the move with an email to supporters that included a video framing her mission as taking on big banks and corporations and fighting for America’s middle class, themes that helped make her a progressive star in the wake of the financial crisis a decade ago.

“I’ve spent my career getting to the bottom of why America’s promise works for some families, but why other families, who work just as hard, slip through the cracks into disaster,” she said. “These are cracks America’s families are falling into, they’re traps. America’s middle class is under attack.”

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Yes Magazine: My White Friend Asked Me on Facebook to Explain White Privilege. I Decided to Be Honest

Reading Time: 10 minutes As to you “being part of the problem,” trust me, nobody is mad at you for being white. Nobody. Just like nobody should be mad at me for being black. Or female. Or whatever. But what IS being asked of you is to acknowledge that white privilege DOES exist and not only to treat people of races that differ from yours “with respect and humor,” but also to stand up for fair treatment and justice, not to let “jokes” or “off-color” comments by friends, co-workers, or family slide by without challenge, and to continually make an effort to put yourself in someone else’s shoes, so we may all cherish and respect our unique and special contributions to society as much as we do our common ground.

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Five Out-of-the-Box Tips to Lose That Extra Weight

Reading Time: 5 minutes I long ago gave up on the concept of ‘New Year’s Resolutions, but I’m a big fan of harnessing that brand new year energy to set solid intentions, get clear on priorities, and feel some real momentum toward the realization of my dreams and goals.

Turning the calendar page to January 1st can fill us with a surge of energy and the inspiration to really make headway on those changes we’ve been dreaming of. The potential seems infinite!

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