One place where everything comes together

Month: December 2018


One Simple Idea to Help You Take Better Care of Yourself

Reading Time: 4 minutes The most effective self-care is consistent and the best way I’ve found to keep up with it is to order my life according to the moon phases.

Yes, I said it – I order my life according to the moon phases. And yes, I know this might sound like a ridiculous new-agey woo-woo strategy. But, hear me out.

Nature has cycles, rhythms, an ebb and flow. Seasons change, the tides flow in and out, the moon waxes and wanes. The moon’s phases affect the tides and we humans are more than 50% water. (The moon’s 29-day cycle is congruent with a woman’s menstrual cycle as well.)

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Reading Time: 2 minutes Obama offered a “secret” to young women everywhere: “I have been at probably every powerful table that you can think of, I have worked at nonprofits, I have been at foundations, I have worked in corporations, served on corporate boards, I have been at G-summits, I have sat in at the U.N.: They are not that smart.” 

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Lindsey Graham: We’ve turned a hard corner in the right direction and it was easy to miss

Reading Time: 3 minutes Vegas odds still say impeachment will not happen. However, the drumbeat of the Special Council investigation is particularly loud right now. Many smart people think we are sitting on the brink of a constitutional crisis of some kind imminently. There are many indications Mueller is closing in on the President and his family.

However, the sign most striking to me was this press conference. What the investigation yields will be largely dependant on the mood of the Senate. The mouthpiece of the patriarchy that sits in that chamber just stepped out of line, publicly, not just taking a position in opposition of the White House, but calling them out for a conspiracy – involving the death of a journalist.

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When A Bully Says “I Was Only Kidding”

Reading Time: 2 minutes People who bully aren’t bad people. They just learned a way of getting things they want… like power, friends, money, laughs… by doing things that hurt other people. They don’t necessarily intend to hurt others, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.

It’s not our job to teach bullies how their actions affect other people. But for our own good, we ARE responsible for understanding their behavior as a demonstration of THEIR weaknesses, not ours.

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Why telling people to “Eat Less and Move More” just doesn’t work

Reading Time: 6 minutes It’s been the mantra of media and health experts for at least the last three decades. What is the solution to the western world’s supposed weight and health crisis? (the question of this “crisis” is a blog post for another day…)

“Eat less and move more”

It sounds like a simple enough concept. So simple in fact, that personally, I’ve often felt like a fool for being so inept at consistently applying it in my own life. I got to thinking recently, “What is it exactly that makes this basic formula so difficult for us to put into practice?”

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Astrology: New Moon in Sagittarius – standby for liftoff!

Reading Time: 5 minutes Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve begun to feel the pull of Sun and Jupiter in Sagittarius, that urge for expansion and exploration tugging us forward to bright new possibilities.

And right now as I type this piece, I know it might not feel much like that at all.

That’s partly because of good ol’ Mercury Retrograde still at play, with the whole review, rethink, reassess mojo. (You have been doing that stuff, right? Cuz you won’t want to bring too much baggage along for the next phase of energy!)

But it’s not only that. Right now it’s also because we’re experiencing a Dark Moon in deep-dive Scorpio, where things tend to be Profound and Important and Highly Significant. In this Pluto-ruled sign, words seem to need more capitalization than usual. Nothing is trivial or surface, and it can feel very Serious and Weighty and Significant.

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