One place where everything comes together

Month: December 2018


You and I both have failed Cyntoia

Reading Time: 5 minutes Children are the most marginalized population on the planet. That may sound like a shocking statement, but we fail them, over and over again. And they depend on us adults. They come in the world defenseless and completely dependent on us and we abandon them. We control them and tell them what to do. We indoctrinate them and if they do not follow our wishes, we punish them. They cannot vote. We do not allow them to have a say so. We spend all our energy indoctrinating them into how we want them to be. As much as we revere youth in this country, we do not revere childishness or children.

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Reading Time: 4 minutes As you’ve probably experienced, working around people who struggle to manage their emotional struggles independently can be pretty unpleasant, and even unbearable, if you happen to be on the receiving end of the negativity. But even if your boss’ criticisms are aimed at someone else, or you’re not the pessimistic colleague’s chosen confidant, you might still find yourself absorbing the negativity around you through osmosis.

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One Easy Way to Begin a Mindfulness Practice Today

Reading Time: 3 minutes The present moment is ALL we have. Sometimes it seems odd to me how we can live our lives so easily in the past and the future, and struggle so much to live right here, right now, in the present.

Especially when most (if not all) of our worries, anxieties, and fears are attached to things we’ve experienced in the past, and things we imagine might happen in the future.

And yet, by developing the habit of “being present”, the struggles connected to the past and the future seem to melt away. The uncomfortable emotions and feelings we experience become more tolerable, and sometimes even disappear entirely.

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NYT: Michael Avenatti – The Case for Indicting the President

Reading Time: 4 minutes The fact that Mr. Trump is a sitting president should not derail a process that applies to all Americans, regardless of stature or station. He would still have the post-indictment relief available to all citizens, including the ability to challenge the constitutionality of the indictment. Some also argue that indicting the president would critically impair his ability to lead the country. But this is a White House already engulfed in chaos and daily distractions. And if the House were to initiate impeachment proceedings, it is hard to see how that process would be any less distracting than a criminal indictment.

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