6 Ways to Add Self-Care to a Physical Fitness Plan
By: Sheila Olson – Confluence Daily is your daily news source for women in the know.
Whether you’re in the midst of a challenging time in your life or you’re just trying to get healthy, physical fitness can play a major role in getting back on track. Exercise is essential to staying fit, but self-care is just as important. But finding the time and energy to pick up one more healthy habit can be hard. Luckily, there are some effortless ways to get the exercise and self-care that you need.
Find Exercises That Relieve Tension
Self-care can actually include certain kinds of exercise. Yoga is a perfect example of a workout that also helps relieve the mind while strengthening muscles. The benefits of yoga are boundless. Incorporate a practice into your weekly workout routine. Try different types of yoga to find the method that works best for you, and pick up a mat that will take pressure off of your joints. Focus on your breathing to boost relaxation. Purposed breathing is one of the most basic elements of yoga, so work on your technique as you tackle different poses.
Wind Down From Workouts
If you’re skipping your cool down and post-workout stretches, you could be missing out on some important self-care. Taking a few moments to slow your pulse and soothe your joints and muscles can help your body heal. You can also avoid tightness and discomfort in the days ahead while using these few minutes to relax from stress. Take your relief to the next level by indulging in a relaxing do-it-yourself spa day by dimming the lights, playing soft music, and whipping up an avocado and honey face mask. If nothing else, a simple soak in the tub can reduce muscle tension and burn even more calories.
Use Self-Care and Exercise to Stay Strong
Life can take a toll on us. This is especially true if you’re dealing with a challenge like a divorce, addiction, or mental illness. Exercise, as well as self-care, promotes healing in a few different ways. As you workout, your brain begins producing more endorphins, which help you feel happy. Regular exercise will also lead to positive changes in your body, giving you a deeper sense of control and an increase in self-esteem. When you’re facing trials in your life, pairing fitness with self-care can bring the positive focus and energy you need to stay strong.
Make Mindfulness a Morning Habit
Mindfulness is a wonderful method to bring peace and positivity into your life. To get the most benefits, center yourself as soon as you wake up. Set up a quiet place in your house for a morning meditation. Try not to think about all that you have to do that day, and focus on creating positive energy instead. To enhance your meditation, think about taking your peaceful practice outside to take in the benefits of nature.
Include Stress Relief in Your Health Goals
Chances are, you started working out to improve your health. Boost those benefits through positive ways to cope with stress. Stress can cause fatigue, mental health issues, and even disease, so be sure to decompress on a daily basis. Avoid using alcohol, drugs or other unhealthy coping mechanisms to deal with emotional tension. It’s best to find relief in more positive, healthy ways. Try going for a walk or use exercise to relieve strain instead.
Never Skip Sleep
When your balancing a busy schedule and an exercise plan, you may be tempted to skip out on a little sleep here and there. But lack of sleep can have a huge impact on your health and reverse the positive effects of your physical fitness efforts. Sleep works to revive your mind and body, so this could be the most important self-care step you take. Establish a regular bedtime and try to stick to it as best you can. Set up your bedroom so it stays dark and cool at night, then slip into some comfy pajamas and cozy socks to start snoozing sooner.
Physical fitness can help you work through even the toughest times in life. Add self-care to the mix, and you have the perfect recipe for improving your health. So make self-care just as much as a priority as your daily workout to take your wellness goals to the next level.
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