One place where everything comes together

Month: August 2018


LIKEABILITY OF WOMEN: The Suffragettes, Hillary Clinton, and the Age of Aquarius Can’t Get Here Fast Enough!

Reading Time: 8 minutes Hillary Clinton and her directness in those First Lady days were a bit unsettling for me as well; nonetheless, the backlash felt unfair—in a double-standard sort of way—and whether I “liked” her or not wasn’t the point. I defended a woman’s rightful place to be smart and determined and capable and a leader! And yes, she, and many other women making their way in business or politics would be called “pushy” and “hard to work with” or much worse—as we saw and heard years later during the run-up to the 2016 election. “Brace yourself,” Jennifer Palmieri, Clinton’s director of communications during her presidential run, wrote in Dear Madam President, “nothing draws fire like a woman moving forward.”

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Reading Time: 4 minutes If we need more money we might pray and ask God or Jesus to provide what we need. We might ask “The Universe” for financial help. Maybe we make offerings to Jupiter, or Lakshmi, Ganesha, or the Black Madonnas, or Papa Legba – or a myriad of other deities/entities/energies asking for their help in these weighty matters of money.

But this, to me, sounds like something that happens in relationships that aren’t so healthy. It’s called “triangulation” and it happens when we don’t have a direct connection to someone and we use an intermediary to do that relating and connecting for us. Remember in 7th grade when your friend had a crush on that other friend and wanted you to tell them since you knew them better?

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20 low to no cost, easy to implement, no excuses, ways to up-level your self-love game right now

Reading Time: 3 minutes I was talking to a woman this morning about self-love who was legitimately confused about what that actually meant. So, I gave her my standard pep-talk about how love is a verb. When you’re not feeling it sometimes you have to DO it. Treating yourself like someone you love IS self-love. 

It was a great talk. I was impressed by it. However, she still gave me a completely blank stare when I was finished. 

When you’re paddling against the current just to keep your head above water, self-love or even self-care can feel like training for a marathon you’ll never run.

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Escaping the Unwanted Things in Life

Reading Time: 3 minutes When we ignore certain emotions or suppress the negative energies within us and at the same time attempt to use transformation tools in the hopes of making a change, it sets us up to fail. It’s an uphill, unnecessarily difficult path we pave for ourselves. It is no wonder many either don’t have the success with them or aren’t able to hold the progress in their life for too long.

Escaping the unwanted things in life by ignoring them can provide a short temporary relief and sometimes that breather helps. But it cannot be the go-to solution because sooner or later those energies will manifest back into our life and the suppression will stunt our spiritual progress.

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The Stress Response and How to Stop It

Reading Time: 6 minutes When stress hormones are flowing due to Fight or Flight, then the adrenals are not able to produce another body-repairing hormone called DHEA. This is the growth hormone necessary for building new cells and repairing old worn out ones. DHEA declines naturally with age, and if you’re spending the majority of time in Fight or Flight, you can be pretty much assured that those old worn out cells are not getting the optimum repair. And… hello chronic disease and unpleasant symptoms!

So – what the heck can we do about this?
After all, your body in its infinite wisdom has preserved the fight or flight response so that you are able to respond quickly in bona fide emergencies. How can you reduce the frequency of it, and possibly prevent it from taking hold during non-emergency somewhat stressful situations?

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