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Month: May 2018


List of 4 Insanely Useful Tips for Having a Better Day

Reading Time: 4 minutes Being happy is a pretty nebulous concept. It’s hard to define and because it’s difficult to put a pin in it on the life map, happiness might not be the best goal. Maybe a better goal is having consistently better days, one day after the next, getting better and better.

The good news is having a better day is doable. It’s doable when you’re down and it’s also doable when you’re up to have even better days. These four insanely easy tips will make it easy to reach for just a little more feel good every day it’ll feel like cheating.

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Wedding Vows: Diana, Kate and Meghan, Why Royal Weddings Matter Part 6

Reading Time: 3 minutes I look forward to the upcoming royal wedding, the marriage ceremony of Harry and Meghan—not just for the “glam and glitter,” but especially to be present to the intimate recognition of the other, the deep listening of love in action, and the “set the world on fire” changes possible when wedding vows are made inside a spiritual partnership like both of these modern-day princes and their beloveds have created. All of life, then, becomes an awakening to “love and cherish.”

Certain wedding “traditions”—royal or otherwise—are indeed outdated and need tossing aside; others are keepers in their own right. Then there are those traditions that simply need the wisdom of a woman’s touch!

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Self-worthiness: 3 Telltale Signs Yours Isn’t As High As It Should Be

Reading Time: 3 minutes One of the first questions I ask most new clients is this: On a scale of one to ten, ten being the highest, what would you rate your self-worth? 

Inevitably, they will answer with a six or a seven. On a scale that runs to ten, seven is pretty high. Most of the time when I hear this reply I can take a pretty quick inventory and know it’s not true. Nothing has more impact on the results we’re getting in our lives than our own sense of worthiness. When something is coming up short, lack of worthiness is an easy and usually accurate reason why.

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I’m White. I’m Privileged. And I’m Not Ashamed, but I am Accountable

Reading Time: 6 minutes This is a moment in history that is demanding more from us than any of us expected, maybe even more so if you’re white. There is a fight going on for equality right now, in the streets and in the soul of this nation. Not choosing a side is in fact, choosing a side by default.

If you’re white, no one is asking you to be ashamed of your privilege. So, you can quit pretending you don’t have it. You can quit feeling attacked when someone points out the obvious. However, history is requiring that you’re accountable for that privilege you can’t hide. It’s ok. I can’t hide mine either.

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When your child is in a slump, discouraged, defeated …

Reading Time: 2 minutes One of THE best ways to help your daughter master the mental game is to improve yours 😉

One of the best ways to help her develop her confidence is to have your confidence in her be unwavering, no matter what the circumstance.

Frustration, and focusing on what’s not working, doesn’t allow you to effectively communicate that to her.

If you’re not confident, that makes it harder for her to be.

I know it’s hard, but totally worth the effort ????

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What is a Suspicious Activity Report, (SAR) and Why Should You Care?

Reading Time: 5 minutes The Treasury Department has opened an investigation into whether bank records belonging to President Trump’s private lawyer were illegally leaked to the lawyer for porn actress Stormy Daniels. I’m sure the bank itself is also investigating. However, the running and most likely theory is Michael Avenatti got ahold of the Suspicious Activity Reports somehow. Chances are high there’s more in those documents than what we currently know.

Suspicious Activity Reports are usually not made public for a reason – because they are a “suspicion”. The Department of the Treasury takes a stand that it wants to avoid damaging a reputation before a proper investigation verifies the allegations. We don’t know the exact status of those Suspicious Activity Reports. However, we do know that Mueller has already questioned most if not all of the people who paid Cohen money that was deposited in that account. So, it might not be a stretch to think the Department of Treasury alerted the Special Council about what they found.

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The Ebb and Flow of a Spiritual Practice

Reading Time: 3 minutes The German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel said that “matter is spirit fallen into a state of self-otherness”.  His idea has often been interpreted in the thought that “we are not humans having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.” If this is true, then we can’t not have a spiritual practice. We are spiritual beings. Our life is our practice.

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