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Month: May 2018


Promoting Mental Health at Home: How to Design the Perfect Meditation Room

Reading Time: 7 minutes There are all kinds of benefits to meditation, both physical and psychological. From reduced chronic pain to better cognitive function, meditating every day or even a few times a week is a wonderful way to boost your overall well-being and happiness. Creating the ideal space for your quiet reflection isn’t difficult, but there are specific elements you’ll want to include and others you’ll want to avoid. This is your guide to designing the perfect meditation room in your own home, and reap the most benefits from your meditation time.

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What To Say That Will Send 9 Out Of 10 Running, And Why You Should Say It

Reading Time: 3 minutes Although most women want to be a priority, the vast majority of women won’t say it because they don’t want to send him running. Again, maybe nine out of ten men freak and fly. That’s better than having nine relationship with a man who puts you somewhere between fifth and sixth on his priority list.

The one in ten guy who hears that message and respects it might just be a keeper.

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It’s a Clusterf*!k – Hard Lessons About Racism, Love, and Learning at Danielle Laporte’s Expense

Reading Time: 7 minutes May all our teaching of others be constructive, creative, transformative, reflective where the teacher learns in the experience also.

You can never teach effectively without dignity. You can never truly have transformative teaching without love.

I believe that transformative learning experiences happen when we all truthfully look at our shadow side and hold our shadows with great care and love. You hold mine and I hold yours with respect, dignity and profound love that reminds us both that we are reflections of the Divine.

As an old proverb says, “My freedom is bound up in yours.” If the cost of my freedom is your destruction, then we have Mutually Assured Destruction. I want you alive, well and healthy. I hope you want the same for me too.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes As a society, we’ve always considered free speech as an absolute element of freedom of expression. It is a sacred idea that is an anchor in democracy. Generally, online harassment has been treated as an unfortunate but unavoidable byproduct of the darker side of free speech, no matter how dark or dangerous it gets. 

The free speech organization PEN America is now challenging that assumption. It’s arguing that harassment is not an expression of free speech but a deterrent to it, that online harassment is antithetical to free speech because online harassment is designed to silence.

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Breaking News: Trump Hires an Impeachment Attorney

Reading Time: < 1 minute The shakeup of Trump’s legal team comes as his lawyers prepare for a legal showdown with Mueller, sources familiar with their thinking have told CNN. It’s the most public signal to date that Trump believes his “fake news” narrative might not be enough to save his presidency.
Flood is aggressive, he’s professional, and he’s experienced. Emmet Flood is not one of Trump’s usual “yes” men. He’s a gamechanger, signaling the game at the White House has changed. 

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Understanding the Iran Nuclear Deal Before it Becomes History

Reading Time: 5 minutes Although public support for the Iran deal has reached its highest point previously recorded, according to a new poll, right as a deadline approaches for President Trump to re-certify the agreement in 10 days.

56 percent of people polled in the Morning Consult–Politico survey released Wednesday morning backed the nuclear deal, while 26 percent opposed it.

Republican voters are split, with 46 percent of voters in favor of the bill versus 42 percent against it.

The level of net support is at its highest since the last time it reached 56 percent, in April 2017. Despite all that, Trump is about to de-certify and it’s a watershed moment for American foreign policy and the world.

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