One place where everything comes together

Month: April 2018



Reading Time: 7 minutes You’ll hear me say this over and over again … if your home makes you feel supported + nourished + optimistic, it’s an ally.
But if it feels draining or frustrating or overwhelming, it’s a detraction and distraction.
When your home reflects Who-You’re-Becoming, rather than who you were, you will see results faster than you ever dreamed possible.

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We Cannot Expect the Private Sector to Do What the President Will Not – Not Even Facebook

Reading Time: 2 minutes Expecting Facebook to solve or be accountable for a problem that the White House helped create, a problem the White House is actively endeavoring to nurture and protect is the very definition of insanity.
The irony that we are holding Congressional hearings over a scandal the President of the United States denies even exists is laughable. It’s an intentional distraction.
Until the President of the United States concedes that election influencing, meddling, or tampering by a foreign government is an act of war, we will be losing a war we are not even fighting.
Blaming Facebook, raking Zuckerberg over the coals in congressional hearings might feel good. It is good theater. However, it’s pointless.

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Complaining is Always a Smoke Screen and There’s Always Something Behind It

Reading Time: 6 minutes Beloveds, my invitation this week is that you weed out complaining. I encourage you to create a zero tolerance for complaining for a couple of weeks so you can hear its own unique draining cadence and learn to spot it before it heads your way. My hope is that you will change your narrative and become more grateful minded in your behaviors and your speech. This way you will experience feeling more empowered to change circumstances that you do not like.

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The Power of Self-Forgiveness + A Ritual to Help You Do It

Reading Time: 4 minutes Don’t believe that little inner gremlin voice if it tells you that this is a process that takes a long time or that you’ll never be able to forgive yourself. You can forgive yourself instantly. Decide that you’re going to be different after you do this. Decide that you are going to forgive yourself now, today. It’s a choice, and it’s a choice based in love. Choose love for yourself today.

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