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Month: April 2018


If Trump Fires Rosenstein is it Doomsday? Maybe. Maybe not. Convoluted Cliff Notes on What Could Happen Next

Reading Time: 3 minutes The bottom line is that the Attorney General has the authority to shut down the Mueller investigation.  Sessions’ recusal angered the President because that is exactly what he wanted. The investigation shut down.  If Rosenstein is fired whether a replacement is made via the succession plan or the Vacancies Reform Act it is pretty obvious that the intention would be to limit or end the investigation, which makes every choice suspect.  Per usual for this presidency, we are wandering into unknown territory. 

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Help Me, FIX my PARTNER ….Cause, I’ve Got My Shit Together

Reading Time: 4 minutes I have learned all too well, the anguish, hurt, disgust, and unspoken, gut-wrenching tension this mindset brings to a relationship.  It hurts, and it creates walls of division and fear in our relationships.

Everyone must run their own race in life, and it’s not your place to own your partner’s race.  This removes the beauty of growth and love for them and leaves you emotionally drained and tired.

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4 Doable Self-care Hacks That Can Change Your Life

Reading Time: 3 minutes There are lots of reasons it’s important and as vital as it is, most women don’t have a handle on their self-care. Being the self-appointed evangelist of self-care, you’d think I’d nail it consistently. I don’t. I’m on my game most of the time. However, I’m an all or nothing kind of gal. It’s either go big or fail spectacularly with me. So, I confess, there are days, even weeks at a time when my self-care is sucky – you know, the failing spectacularly category.

And because I’m an all or nothing kind of gal, sometimes it’s hard for me to get back into a solid self-care routine because I tend to over-complicate things, especially when I’m stressed. The problem is, I need it most when I’m stressed.

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James Comey Sits Down at Home and Spills His Guts

Reading Time: 2 minutes Undoubtedly, Comey won’t say anything the Mueller investigation doesn’t already know. Comey won’t jeopardize the investigation to promote a book. However, Comey’s interview will most certainly leave a lot of Congressional Republicans very uncomfortable making it even harder for them to support the President moving into the 2018 campaign cycle.

Moreover, we will hear things for the first time. Comey has reportedly shared details the will rock the White House. In any other circumstance, those claims might by hyperbolic and over-inflated to drive ratings. In this circumstance, it might be an undersell.

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