3 New Stories You Should Read Today – 4/7/2018
Confluence Daily is your daily news source for women in the know.
When Facebook becomes ‘the beast’: Myanmar activists say social media aids genocide
As tens of millions of Americans come to grips with revelations that data from Facebook may have been used to sway the 2016 presidential election, on the other side of the world, rights groups say hatemongers have taken advantage of the social network to widely disseminate inflammatory, anti-Muslim speech in Myanmar.
#MeToo – A Public Health Epidemic
In the United States, 25% of women and 17% of men will be sexual abused or assaulted in their lifetimes. Even more disturbing, every 98 seconds an individual is sexually assaulted based on reports by the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN), the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization.
These rates of sexual assault are far higher than the rates of breast cancer diagnosis or childhood poverty, indicating that sexual harassment is a significant social issue with even broader consequences, including homelessness, incarceration, lack of education, and mental and physical ailments. Furthermore, 26 public-school districts across the U.S. agreed in 2017 to at least $37 million in settlements resulting from allegations of sexual harassment or sexual assault of students, teachers or other employees based on reports from The Wall Street Journal.
The president is an environmentalist now! (Kidding—he just loves misguided trade policies.)
In fact, Pruitt has done such a good job turning the Earth into a highway urinal—the extra grimy kind where the key to the bathroom is attached to a giant steering wheel—that in spite of a series of leaks about his questionable judgement, he’s still, as of 4:07 p.m. (EST), hanging onto his job. So it was rather curious, on Friday, to read that the “Trump administration is examining stricter enforcement of environmental rules on imported vehicles.” “This Trump administration?” the Levin Report thought to itself. “The Trump administration that, on Monday of this week, announced it would revoke an Obama-era rule requiring cars sold in the U.S. to average more than 50 miles per gallon by 2025, a move viewed as so environmentally toxic that even Chevy wanted nothing to do with it?” It turned out that, yes, it is that same administration. But upon further reading, it becomes evident that today’s decision has nothing to do with the environment at all.
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