Brett Kavanaugh: At Least He Didn’t Attempt to Rape Everyone When He was in High School

Reading Time: 4 minutes In case you’re wondering why someone might wait thirty years to come forward after a sexual assault, you might want to consider how it felt to read that statement by those sixty-five women. Some of those women she undoubtedly knew. Statistics tell us that out of those sixty-five women who decided to publicly suggest Christine Blasey Ford is lying approximately eleven also been victims of sexual assault. One in six women are.

I am not going to suggest all sixty-five of those women are traitors to our gender but as a victim of sexual assault, it sure feels like it. Here’s what I know about the man who assaulted me – he most certainly didn’t rape every woman he encountered. I’m sure he could have come up with a list of women who could say nice things about him. Potentially even sixty-five women would say he isn’t a rapist. Maybe he didn’t rape every woman he went on a date with. That doesn’t mean he didn’t rape me.